This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Russell Aaron, Bridget Willard, and alex vasquez
EP37 – Building #WordPress Community Through #Meetups
Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.
523 responses to “EP37 – Building #WordPress Community Through #Meetups”
3. Happiness Bar
And I’m sure there are others.
true, she uses aol disks to get online
I used to do 1.
It’s hard to tailor talks that resonate with everyone.
Yeah talk IRL. I’m just spewing out questions over here. xo
two pennies.
We have done a Trivia gameshow meetup before.
@VeriousSmithIII Oooo PLEASE go on
like that! Innovation @veriousSmithIII
La Cañada?
@YouTooCanBeGuru it’s 1 thing for everyone, not free reign
LAAAAAAAAA Cañadaaaaaaa
@JenBlogs4U yep
You give people a way to connect and own their part in the community they will come back.
Community is about ownership
@JenBlogs4U lol
we eat, it’s NOT like weight watchers @jasontucker
@VeriousSmithIII oh yeah Jeopardy
Yup it was pretty cool. Probably gonna repeat it.
@VeriousSmithIII WAY fun
@alexjvasquez No pennies here in Canada. 🙂
what is Cañada?
second one is next week!
@ShawnHooper I just kicked up an advanced meetup
@ShawnHooper Orange County and Pasadena do.
vegas is just an all around meetup
Meetup Hopping.
@YouTooCanBeGuru We do here too. Haven’t decided if that’s a good thing or not.
@ShawnHooper Orange County has General, Developer, Design.
Free Ice cream always works.
special brownies?
Give them ownership as well.
So @pappyoyler, tell me of these…. special brownies
How I help to promote a meetup:
Consistency is a big damn deal
Show up
@KenKramer great idea!
That matters.
@AdamThomson consistency matters
We are considering 5 min lighting talks and we do some Q & A /Help Desk nights
@AdamThomson Third Wed. etc
@AdamThomson I like this one..
At our WordCamp last Saturday, we had over 80% of first time WC Attendees!!! So we really hope our Meetup increase….We also send emails to new people who sign up on Meetup
we get some decent interaction on our FB Group but IRL seems to be totally different
we have 494 members on
People want to “CONNECT”
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