Sé Reed
This week on the show Jason Cosper & Sé Reed will be joined by Courtney Robertson to talk about the scope of the modern WordPress landscape.
This week on WPwatercooler were going back to basics and talk about plugins were using that help us in big ways. WordPress is an amazing system that allows for all sorts of expandability with plugins big and small these plugins can really change the way you use WordPress.
On this episode of WPwatercooler lots of topics were discussed looking back at 2022 and what’s to come in 2023. Topics include the use of artificial intelligence in WordPress, Sé and crew launching the WP Community Collective, the possibility of a rewrite of the Media Library, the implementation of collaborative editing in WordPress, and the…
This week on the show we’ll be recapping the recent State of the Word 2022 event that occurred in New York City on December 15th at 1 pm local time. An in-person audience was in attendance and the video was streamed on YouTube for the community to watch if you couldn’t claim and seat and…
On the show were joined by the founding directors of the WP Community Collective: Courtney Robertson, Katie Adams Farrell, and our very own Sé Reed. We’ll chat about what the WPCC is, its mission to support the WordPress community, and how you can be a part of it.
This week on WPwatercooler, we explore the exciting new development of bringing the metaverse, or virtual reality, into the WordPress platform. We see how easy it is for content creators, artists, and scientists to create and participate in the metaverse using WordPress, thanks to its accessibility. By using the native Gutenberg experience, users can easily…
This week on WPwatercooler Jill Binder will be joining us to talk about the #WPDiversity initiative. As part of the Diverse Speaker Training Group on the WordPress.org Community Team, Jill has been hosting an ongoing series of workshops around the world, focusing on new speaker training and diversity awareness for WordCamp organizers.
This week on WPwatercooler we’ll be discussing the upcoming WordPress 6.1 release and what we have seen so far in the release candidate.