Elizabeth Shilling
On this episode of WPblab we chat with a local nonprofit group Women Who WP about their group, why they started it and what they see coming in the future for the group. Participants this week: Jen Miller – needsomeonetoblog.com Elizabeth Shilling – orcawebperformance.com Brianna Privett – technosiren.com Robert Dall – robertdall.com Hosts: Jason Tucker…
“WordPress Web Trends for 2013” we are joined with Suzette Franck, Elizabeth Shilling, Sé Reed, Steve Zehngut, Jon Brown, Dave Jesch, Chris Lema and out host Jason Tucker. Recording starts at 11:00am PST on Mondays.
Today we are joined with Suzette Franck, Elizabeth Shilling, Patrick Raul, Jon Brown, Dave Jesch, Steve Zehngut, Cody Landefeld, Wes Chyrchel, Chris Lema and Jason Tucker. We begin recording at 11:00am Pacific, come by and watch our discussion live!