This weekend discussion is about methods of providing support to your customers, or as a customer how do you want to be supported?
Live stream starts today (Monday) at 11:00am PST / 2:00pm EST.
A year ago (about there), WooThemes, StudioPress and even Yoast managed questions and support via a discussion forum (WooThemes & StudioPress on their own sites, Yoast on WP). But recently, we’ve seen WooThemes & StudioPress shift to email-based tickets and Yoast announce the same. The upside is better ticket management. The downside is lower visibility, less community resource, lower interaction of users helping users.
How do you support your customers? How much is public? How much is Private? What do you think about these shifts? Support? Disagree?
[LISTATTENDEES event_identifier=”ep35-customer-support-public-forum-or-private-email-may-20-2013-5-5199b033d” show_gravatar=”true”]
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